Board Meetings are open to all Mutual 16 residents. They are typically held in Clubhouse II in the Rossmoor Room on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am. They are also on Zoom.
The planning meeting is held in the Rossmoor Room in Clubhouse II on the first Thursday of each month at 1:00pm. It is in person only and open to all residents.
Mutual 16 Happy Hour 6/21/24
** hover over pic to see captioned name **
** hover over pic to see captioned name **
Mutual 16 Holiday Party, 12/9/23
Mutual 16 Holiday Party 12/3/2022
Pizza Party at the Rock 9/9/2022
Mutual 16 Annual Meeting May 19, 2022
(for captions, just hover over pic or click)
(for captions, just hover over pic or click)
Holiday Pot Luck, December 4, 2021
Mutual 16 Pizza party at the Rock September 9, 2021
Wine at the Park – a Post-Pandemic Celebration
Sprucing Up The Park, 2020
Holiday Party 2019
Fall Color for the Park at the Rock, 9/2019. Thanks Paula
Jan Romanoff, Kay Looney and Paula Seebode get the Park at the Rock ready for Fall with mums and pumpkins galore.
Park Benches Complete! 9/22/19
Painting the Park bench slats: Lenny Samarco, Bob Hortin, Bob Crooks, Judite Ferandes and Paula Seebode
Assembling the beautifully painted benches: Bob Crooks, Bob Hortin, Jack Looney, Paula Seebode and Lenny
Samarco. Special thanks to Harry and Kathy Geehreng for lending saw horses and disassembling the benches.
Now it is the duty of every resident of Mutual 16 to sit on the benches and admire the Fall charm of the Park at least once before it snows!
Assembling the beautifully painted benches: Bob Crooks, Bob Hortin, Jack Looney, Paula Seebode and Lenny
Samarco. Special thanks to Harry and Kathy Geehreng for lending saw horses and disassembling the benches.
Now it is the duty of every resident of Mutual 16 to sit on the benches and admire the Fall charm of the Park at least once before it snows!
Happy Hour at the Rock June 21, 2019
May, 2019 Annual Unit Owners Meeting
Redoing the Park Benches, May 2019
The Rock in the Winter 2019
December 7, 2018 Mutual Holiday Party
September 7, 2018 Pizza Party at the Rock.
Despite the rain, a good time was had by all.
Despite the rain, a good time was had by all.